River Stand Local Rules

The current Rules of Golf of the United States Golf Association and The R&A govern play at River Strand.

OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by course-side points, at ground level, of white stakes, fence posts and white lines. When a sidewalk, paved road or curb defines out of bounds, a ball that is on or beyond the road or curb is out of bounds even though it may lie on another part of the golf course. If a sidewalk and road are both present the sidewalk will define out of bounds instead of the road.

PENALTY AREAS: When a Penalty Area is bounded by out of bounds, the penalty area edge extends to and coincides with the out of bounds line.
Model Local Rule B-3 is in effect if a player does not know whether his or her ball is in the penalty area when played
from the teeing area on Sanctuary #8, Sanctuary #9, Tributary #9, and approach shots to #9 Tributary green for a ball that may be in the penalty area behind or directly left of the #9 Tributary putting green. The player may play
a provisional ball under Rule 18.3, which is modified in this way:
In playing the provisional ball, the player may use the stroke-and-distance relief option (see Rule 17.1d(1), the back-on-the-line relief option (see Rule 17.1d(2)) or, if it is a red penalty area, the lateral relief option (see Rule 17.1d(3)).
Once the player has played a provisional ball under this Rule, he or she may not use any further relief options under Rule 17.1 in relation to the original ball.

ABNORMAL COURSE CONDITION: Defined by white lines.

IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS CLOSE TO PUTTING GREEN: Relief is available only when the ball and the immovable
obstruction lie in a closely-mown area, the immovable obstruction intervenes on the line of play, the immovable
obstruction is within two club-lengths of the putting green, and within two club lengths of the ball. Player must drop the ball within one club length of complete relief.

INTEGRAL OBJECTS: When located within penalty areas and bunkers, artificial walls and pilings are integral objects.
All pine straw/mulched areas not defined as Penalty Areas are considered the General Area, and no free relief is

NO PLAY ZONE: The area at the end of Tributary #7 fairway is a No Play Zone. Play is prohibited in that area; players
must proceed under the Yellow Penalty Area options or proceed to the drop zone on the green side of the No Play Zone.
Drop zone is only an option if you enter the no play zone on your 2nd shot or higher. Can not be used if your tee shot
enters the no play zone.

EDGING GROOVES NEAR GREEN: The edging grooves around the aprons or fringes of putting greens are ground under repair. If a player’s ball lies in or touches a groove or a groove interferes with the area of intended swing: For a ball in the General Area the player may take free relief under 16.1b (abnormal course condition); for a ball on the Putting Green the player may take free relief under rule 16.1.d (abnormal course condition. But interference does not exist if the edging groove only interferes with the player’s stance.

CODE OF CONDUCT: Unbecoming conduct is, but not limited to: vulgarity, throwing equipment in anger, destruction of property, verbal or physical abuse to any person. A player who is in violation will be subject to penalties or
disqualification that the tournament committee deems appropriate for the violation.

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