All scoring for the league is done via Golf Genius. The hosting club will have Golf Genius setup for the event and you will find your GGID on the scorecard for accessing scoring during the round. Players are required to keep both a paper scorecard along with entering their scores into Golf Genius. The paper scorecard is the official record for play. While it is good practice to have one player in the foursome enter the scores, it is recommended that all players keep a watchful eye on scores entered so reconciling scores after 9 holes and the end of round is goes smoothly. Access the Scoring Rules by clicking the button below.
The following information is provided to help ensure all players know how to use Golf Genius.
Downloading Golf Genius
If you do not have Golf Genius on your phone, make sure you have downloaded prior to your first event. On your phone, go to your App Store on iPhone or Google Play on your Android Phone. Do a search for Golf Genius and download the app.
Signing into Golf Genius
When you get to the event and at your cart, you will notice the GGID printed on your scorecard. At this point, open the Golf Genius App and enter the GGID. Select GGID and then type in the GGID in the space provided and click Sign In. Looking at the Scorecard sample you can see the GGID at the bottom right.
Entering Scores into Golf Genius
One person in the foursome will do mobile scoring. Should be the one most familiar with Golf Genius. This person will record actual gross score for all 4 players. If a player does not complete the hole, net double bogey is recorded (double bogey plus handicap stoke). No X’s allowed in Golf genius. If you picked up on a hole (MAX Score), place an X on the scorecard for that hole. Note if you want to compete for LOW GROSS YOU MUST PUTT OUT EVERY HOLE – NO MAX SCORES ALLOWED.
Golf Genius will calculate the Stableford Points so just make sure the Gross Scores are correct.
Verifying Scores in Golf Genius
At the end of 9 holes and most importantly at the of your round, all members of the foursome should verify their scores are correct using the scorecard and Golf Genius. The best practice is for one member to have Golf Genius open to the Leaderboard and find the Foursome Event. This will give you all members in your foursome which makes reconciliation much easier. Each player should read their Gross scores (hole by hole) from their scorecard for comparison to Golf Genius. Any errors should be correct right then by returning to the hole in GG or fixing the scorecard. This comparison process should occur for each player. Now you can go into lunch and return your scorecard to your rep knowing the scores are correct both on the card and in Golf Genius. No need to really worry about Stableford points since GG will have the correct points based on the scores you just verified.
Team Rep Verifying Team Player Scores in Golf Genius
The final verification of player’s scores is done by the Team Rep at the lunch table. The team rep using Golf Genius should pull up the Team Stableford Tournament. Select your team and you will see all your players scores. Use the Gross scores in GG to compare hole by hole to Scorecard for each team member. If any errors are found, go to the team member and have them correct the error either in GG or Scorecard depending on which is correct. Once all scores have been verified, place your scorecards in the designated basket.