OUT OF BOUNDS: USGA Stroke and Distance applies.
- When a waterway borders homeowners’ property the homeowners’ side of the waterway is out of bounds.
- Champions #2: the road behind the green is deemed to be out of bounds.
- Champions #3: the road to the left of the tee is deemed to be out of bounds, up to the white stake which then ties into the penalty area that surrounds the pond.
- Champions #8 & #9: a ball coming to rest right of the cart path up to the white post and continuing along the connecting path around and behind the 9thgreen is deemed to be out of bounds.
SHELL BASED AREAS: Coquina shell based areas are considered waste areas, including shell based cart paths. Your club may be grounded in this area. If the ball lies on a shell covered area, free relief may be taken by lifting the ball and placing a ball on the shell covered area within one club length of the original spot of the ball no closer to the hole. The ball may be cleaned before placing it.
RAKES IN BUNKERS: Palm Aire requests rakes be placed on the low side of bunkers away from slopes, teeth down and parallel to the edge of the bunker. (If a ball comes to rest against any part of the rake; the player is allowed to pick up the rake. If the player’s ball moves, the player must replace the ball in its original position not nearer the hole under no penalty as the rake is considered a “moveable obstruction”.)
MLR F-5 IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS CLOSE TO PUTTING GREENS: Relief is available only when the ball lies in the general area, and an immovable obstruction on or within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball intervenes on the line of play between the ball and the hole. Drop ball within one club-length of nearest point of complete relief, no closer to the hole.