TPC Local Rules

1. Roads. A ball is out of bounds when it is beyond the course-side edge of any road.

2. Bunkers. All bunkers are filled with white sand and typically have nearby rakes. Areas covered with crushed shells or similar materials and no nearby rakes are part of the general area and are not bunkers.

3. Bunker Liners. An exposed bunker liner may be treated as ground under repair, but interference does not exist if the liner interferes only with the player’s stance.

4. Dropping Zones. Dropping zones are in effect in accordance with Model Local Rule E-1.1 on holes 4, 16 and 18 on the Stadium Course and hole 11 on the Players Course. Dropping zones are marked with a sign and a painted circle. If no painted circle is evident, drop within two club lengths of the sign, but no closer to the hole.

5. Preferred Lies. Preferred lies are in effect when, due to local abnormal conditions such as prolonged rains, riding carts are restricted to the cart paths on the Stadium Course or to the rough on the Players Course, or when such restrictions are in place for a particular hole or holes. Under these circumstances Model Local Rule E-3 is in effect when a player’s ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height and the size of the relief area is one scorecard length or 6 inches.

6. Bulkheads. Bulkheads, retaining walls and pilings are an integral part of the golf course from which no relief is available. Where a bulkhead adjoins a lake or other body of water, the penalty area is defined by the edge of the bulkhead furthest from the water.

7. Immovable Obstructions Close to Putting Greens. Model Local Rule F-5 is in effect allowing relief when a sprinkler head or other immovable obstruction is on the line of play and within two club-lengths of the putting green and within two club-lengths of the ball.

8. Edging Grooves Near Putting Greens. Model Local Rule F-19 is in effect. Relief is available only for lie of ball or area of intended swing.

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